I’m very happy to announce that I have received my second accreditation with the PPOC (Professional Photographers Of Canada) in Children and Infant Portraiture.

“The Accreditation process recognizes photographers who have reached a nationally accepted standard of proficiency and knowledge in photographic arts. An Accreditation is achieved by submitting ten images in a chosen category to a PPOC Board of Review. This peer-reviewed program challenges candidates to demonstrate their capability of delivering exceptional quality photography in a chosen category. In assessing Accreditation Submissions, the judges consider the following criteria: Impact, Creativity, Style, Composition, Presentation, Color Balance, Centre of Interest, Lighting, Subject Matter, Quality, Technique, and Story Telling.” See more at ppoc.ca.[su_spacer size=”30″]
Why is this important?[su_spacer size=”10″]
It is important to me to have been deemed by the judges and PPOC as able to delivery above-average high quality photographic art, to you my clients. I hope it gives you a confidence in my ability as a photographer and the trust that I will provide you with photographs that are not only technically correct, but also show the beauty, emotions and relationships of the people in those photos- your family.[su_spacer size=”30″]
What is involved with achieving accreditation?[su_spacer size=”10″]
Entrants are expected to submit 10 images of 10 different scenes, 10 different subjects and from 10 different photo sessions. The entrant must be able to prove to the judges, through a good variety and cross section of subject matter, the photographer’s expertise in a chosen field. Each submission is judged by a panel of judges who look at each image, and the submission as a whole. The entry is accepted only if all images show above average exceptional quality photography in the chosen category.[su_spacer size=”30″]
Here are the images that I included in this successful accreditation submission!
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